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Security Statement


Banca di Capital Offshore Financial Services is committed to maintaining the privacy and security of your personal information. Technology and new marketing practices have increased the amount of customer information collected and shared in today's marketplace. Consumers are concerned about the impact this development has or might have on their privacy and security. We are sensitive to these concerns and we are committed to taking reasonable steps to protect the privacy and security of information shared with us. Our customers are protected not only by state and federal laws, but more importantly, our commitment to them.

To help us offer secure online banking services, Banca di Capital Offshore Financial Services uses industry-standard technology and procedures. This technology allows us to properly authenticate your identity and protect your information when you access our online banking services.

We maintain rigorous security standards and procedures to prevent unauthorized access to customer information. We issue a unique Account number and Password that identify the customer when logging on to our website or Online Banking. We use state of the art secured software for transferring data together with a very high level of encryption bit strength. Our security software also ensures that users establish sessions with only secure websites. The software further protects data by (1) authentication which ensures that the customer is actually communicating with the bank and not someone impersonating the bank; (2) encryption or scrambling of transferred data so that account information cannot be intercepted and read by a third party; and (3) assessing the data integrity by verifying that the information sent by the customer to the bank has not been altered during the transfer.

Questions/Concerns? Contact us via email.